“Take This 2-Minute Survey”

“Take This 2-Minute Survey”

Aug. 27, 2019 by

For a while I believed that people actually valued my opinion. This was several years ago, when I started receiving requests from political candidates, businesses, etc., asking me to “take

D. J. T. (a rant)

D. J. T. (a rant)

Aug. 20, 2019 by

“I’m not touching you!  I’m not touching you!” says the bothersome big brother as he makes “poking” motions toward his little sister for no reason other than to irritate the

On Incompetence and Lying

On Incompetence and Lying

Aug. 7, 2019 by

Do you sometimes get the feeling that if it weren’t for you nagging the people around you, nothing would get done?  Or at least it wouldn’t get done correctly?  I