Posted by on February 13, 2019

OK. The instructions say to start typing here. Confession: I feel like I’m talking to myself. But I do hope that that changes in the relatively near future.

My son Kim was diligent in setting this site up for me nearly two years ago (thanks so much, Kim). I took stabs at entering information then, but never really got the “feel” for it. I know that it’s simply a case of visiting here on a regular basis and practicing. The more I use it, the more comfortable I’ll become with it. So, that’s what I hope to do.

From Tuesday, Feb. 5 – Thursday, Feb. 7, 2019, I was privileged to attend a retreat/workshop for aspiring authors. One segment of that event gave us the chance to think of a goal we want to set for ourselves, and to develop a means for making it a habit within ten weeks. This blog site became my goal. I would like to visit here every Tuesday and make two entries: one a commentary and the other a cartoon. (The name of this site — karlkraftslines — points to the double application of lines of writing as well as the lines it takes to draw cartoons.) Once I get more comfortable with being here I’ll start poking around to try out some of the other features that WordPress offers (I’m looking at buttons to change the font size, to add “drop caps,” adjust the color, etc.)

My commentary will very likely consist of whatever it was that popped into my head immediately before sitting down to write. I’ve had so many thoughts run through that vast expanse of emptiness that I call a brain, but they usually happened when I had nothing with which to jot the thoughts down. I’m hoping to be able to make reminder notes from now on. The topics could run the gamut: religion, politics, personal reflections, delivered, hopefully, with a dash of humor to make those thoughts palatable.

It’s tough getting started, but let’s see where this goes. For those who receive my weekly “Monday Morning Mailing,” I want to remember to give a hint about what to expect here so y’all can check it out.

Seat belts fastened? Off we go!

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